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Editing Indy's contract templates
Editing Indy's contract templates
Gabriela Magaña avatar
Written by Gabriela Magaña
Updated over a year ago

Our legally vetted contract templates cover all essential aspects to ensure your business's protection. However, we understand that every business is unique and may have different needs, which is why we've made it simple for you to customize the contract if you want to change something.

Check out this short video to get started, or learn more down below.

You can easily edit Indy's contract templates by entering free-edit mode. To get started, click the 'Switch to free-edit' button on the last step of the contract wizard.

Note: you cannot return to the guided contract builder after you've entered the free-edit mode so ensure you complete each step correctly before switching.

Next, you'll be taken to a text editor where you can fully customize the contract.

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