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Creating a form
Gabriela Magaña avatar
Written by Gabriela Magaña
Updated over 11 months ago

Looking to grow your contact list? Need an easier way to gather project info? Getting the info you need and keeping it all organized has never been easier. From capturing leads to receiving final feedback, Forms can help you every step of the way.

Watch our helpful video for an easy introduction to Forms or learn more down below.

On the Forms page, click on the 'Create a form' button to get started.

💡 tip: you can easily create new forms by clicking the 'New' button in the top navigation bar.

Selecting your contract

Select from the ready-made templates, or create your own from scratch — you can preview any template before beginning to create/customize your form.

Building your form

The form builder is divided into three main areas: the navigation bar, the canvas area, and the setting panel.

The navigation bar

In this area, you have quick access to basic information about your form, the ability to return to the Forms main page, and options to:

  • Add the form to a project

  • Rename the form

  • Preview the form

  • Publish the form

  • Delete the form

The canvas area

Here’s where you’ll do the bulk of your work to create your form. You can add your logo, a fun header image, and give your form a personalized header title.

The rest of the canvas is dedicated to adding your content.

The settings panel

In the settings panel, you can choose your form element blocks, select your brand & style options, share your form, and access your form responses all by using the tab selector at the edge.

To add form element blocks to the canvas, simply drag and drop them from the settings panel to the canvas area. Your options are:

  • Contact info: collect contact information for any new leads interested in your services.

  • Dropdown: collect a single answer from a list of options in a dropdown menu format

  • Heading: a heading between sections of questions or to add in extra text.

  • Multiple choice: collect multiple answers from a list of options in a checkbox format

  • Number: collect an answer that is numerically based

  • Paragraph text: a description block of multi-line text

  • Single choice: collect a single answer from a list of options in a radio button format

  • Single line text: a description block of single line text

  • Star rating: collect a 1 to 5 rating in a star format

  • Web address: collect a website url address (the field validates if a url has been correctly input or not)

You can further customize form elements by editing headers, adding descriptions and requiring responses to certain fields, or adding and removing options/answers. You can arrange and rearrange your sections easily or easily delete sections by clicking the trash icon.

Finishing your form

Once you’re all done creating your form, preview it to see how it will look to others. Then click the green “Publish” button to share it with the world.

Sharing your form

Click the share tab in the settings panel to get a shareable link for your form.

You can also add your form anywhere on your website using the embed code 💎. Check out our helpful links below for more information on how to embed your form.

💎 note: the embed code is only available in the Pro plans.

Viewing your form responses

When responses start rolling in, you can view them by clicking the new response number on your Forms Dashboard.

Click the view response button to see what information your leads, clients, etc. have left for you.

💡 tip: Response can be deleted or added to your client list by clicking the 3-dot menu button.

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